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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“I Simpson” Simpson e Dalila 22

22 Episode : Simpson e Dalila Simpson and Delilah Homer riceve una promozione, una chiave del bagno dei dirigenti e un segretario perfetto, grazie a una...

“A Different World” The Goodwill Games 45

45 The Goodwill Games Whitley (Jasmine Guy) goes head to head against her romantic rival Kinu (Alisa Gyse-Dickens) at an academic decathalon. If he knows...

“The Simpsons” Simpson and Delilah 22

22 Simpson and Delilah Homer receives a promotion, a key to the executive washroom and an invaluable secretary (voice of Harvey Fierstein), thanks to a...

“The Cosby Show” It’s All in the Game 75

75 It's All in the Game Cliff and Clair return from a vacation to learn that their children acted irresponsibly while they were away, so...

“Cheers” Ma Always Liked You Best 5

5 Ma Always Liked You Best When Cliff's mother comes to town, he refuses to let her move in with him. Feeling slighted, she accepts...

“Beverly Hills, 90210” Every Dream Has Its Price Tag 14

14 Every Dream Has It's Price Tag Brenda gets included in a new friend's problem, while Brandon gets a job, and Cindy gets a maid.,...

Les filles de Caleb S:1 E:1 | Épisode 1

S:1 E:1 Émilie Bordeleau est une jeune fille rebelle qui aime contester l'autorité de son père. Lorsqu'elle devient maîtresse d'école, Émilie a pourtant beaucoup...

Les Simpson S:2 E:2 | Simpson et Dalilah

S:2 E:2 Simpson and Delilah Homer, qui veut entamer une cure pour faire repousser ses cheveux, fait passer, avec succès, cette importante dépense sur son...

Los Simpson S:2 E:2 Simpson y Dalila

S:2 E:2 Simpson and Delilah Homer es ascendido a ejecutivo de la Central después de probar un crecepelo (Dimoxinil). La familia Simpson disfruta de un...

Die Simpsons S:2 E:2 | Karriere mit Köpfchen

S:2 E:2 Simpson and Delilah Homer betrügt die firmeneigene Krankenversicherung, um sich ein vielversprechendes, sehr teures Haarwuchsmittel leisten zu können. Tatsächlich bringt das Elixier prompt...