Test of Time
Clark Kent misleads two evil aliens into thinking that his powers are representative of all humans. Superboy: Gerard Christopher.
Q&A :
The Girl Next Door
While investigating the hit-and-run murder of a high-school American football star, McCann becomes involved with a cheerleader who has AIDS.,...
Bad Company
Hickok (Josh Brolin) accidentally kills an innocent woman during a gunfight, triggering troubling feelings about all his violent deeds. Jennifer: Michelle Joyner....
A Present for Beauty
A large package addressed to Vicky (Amber McWilliams) arrives at the general store. Samuel Burton: Bill Kerr. Jenny: Stacy Dorning....
Unidentified Flying Leonardo
In the Season 4 finale, April investigates UFO sightings at an upstate farm town known as "High Falls".
Q&A :
Q: Who...
The Foot Soldiers Are Revolting
Shredder fires Bebop and Rocksteady after blowing another assignment and replaces them with a Foot Soldier named Alpha One.
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Guzman lets Santana (Steven Bauer) in on his money-laundering operation, giving Santana and McPike a golden opportunity to clean out his enterprise....