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“Otto sotto un tetto” L’eroe del giorno 39

39 Episode : L'eroe del giorno Born to Be Mild Una gang locale terrorizza Rachel e minaccia il suo locale, così Steve escogita un modo per...

“Sleeve Heads, Shoulder Pads with Shirley Adams Sewing Connection”

Shoulder pads were misused and abused in the 80's. Learn to provide this necessary structural framework to create a symmetrical and professional...

“Step by Step” Into the Woods 19

19 Into the Woods Camping in the wilderness proves too much for Carol to bear. Carol: Suzanne Somers. Frank: Patrick Duffy. Dana: Staci Keanan. Karen:...

“Perfect Strangers” Citizenship 79

79 Conclusion. Larry goes to Mypos to persuade Mama to let Balki return home---and finds he likes it there. Balki/Mama: Bronson Pinchot. Mary Anne:...

“Intimate Stranger”

A single mother falls for a younger man, who seems to get along well with her son, but the romance fizzles when the...

“And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird”

In this family-fun type of film, two brothers who have apparently inherited their recently deceased father's inventor-type genes decide to finish their pop's...

“Family Matters” Born to Be Mild 39

39 Born to Be Mild After a gang terrorizes Rachel's Place, Steve poses as a hood and wears a wire to entrap the gangsters. Osgood:...

“Super Mario World” Rock TV; The Yoshi Shuffle 18

18 Rock TV / The Yoshi Shuffle King Koopa invents television and the Cave People are crazy about it. He sells them TV sets to...

Un caso per due S:11 E:9 Assassinio a domicilio

Season 11 Episode 9 Episode : Assassinio a domicilio Tod frei Haus Il professor T si muove con apparente disinvoltura nella risoluzione dei casi che gli...

Velvets and Velours with Shirley Adams Sewing Connection

Velvets have versatility to dress up or down, but require special precautions in cutting, construction, pressing, and finishing. Pile fabrics like velour are...