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“Dracula in the Movies: Highlights From Classic Vampire Films”

Bram Stoker's Dracula,, based on the Vampire legends of Eastern Europe has been the inspiration for countless Vampire movies. Here's a non-stop...

“Full House” Play It Again, Jesse 515

515 Play It Again Jess In urgent need of cash to support his family, Jesse (John Stamos) moonlights as a pianist at an airport cocktail...

Law & Order Starstruck

Starstruck A fan is charged with attempting to murder a soap-opera actress, and his lawyer enters a plea of temporary insanity., An obsessive...

Roseanne Bingo

Bingo A night out at a bingo parlour does such a number on Roseanne that she can think of nothing but winning., A...

Law & Order S:2 E:12 | Starstruck

S:2 E:12 Starstruck A fan is charged with attempting to murder a soap-opera actress, and his lawyer enters a plea of temporary insanity., An obsessive...

Bob Ross – The Joy of Painting | Gray Mountain

Gray Mountain 'Jeder Mensch ein Künstler!' Dies berühmt-berüchtigte Motto von Joseph Beuys könnte auch von Bob Ross stammen. Allein, der amerikanische Fernsehmaler hat...

Hör mal, wer da hämmert! S:1 E:13 | Frauenpower

S:1 E:13 Up Your Alley Tim und Jill treten beim Bowling gegeneinander an, und der Heimwerker lernt, was das Wort 'Frauenpower' bedeutet..., Tim und seine...