Episode : Grattachecca e Fichetto: il film
Itchy, Scratchy: The Movie
Maggie colpisce Homer con una mazza. Marge, che attribuisce il comportamento alla violenza dei...
Dreams In Darkness
Batman is infected by the Scarecrow's latest chemical concoction and confined in Arkham Asylum. The Scarecrow plans to poison Gotham's water...
Itchy, Scratchy: The Movie
Bart is punished by being barred from the Itchy and Scratchy movie. Voices: Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer, Dan Castellaneta, Yeardley...
Fisherman's Paradise
"Jeder Mensch ein Künstler!" Dies berühmt-berüchtigte Motto von Joseph Beuys könnte auch von Bob Ross stammen. Allein, der amerikanische Fernsehmaler hat...