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“La signora in giallo” La notte del coyote 96

96 Episode : La notte del coyote Night of the Coyote Nel New Mexico la Signora Fletcher si trova alle prese con un caso di omicidio...

“The Adventures of Tintin” Cigars of the Pharaoh Part 1 16

16 Cigars of the Pharaoh In "The Cigars of the Pharoah," Tintin is jailed on his way to an archaeological dig to unearth a Pharoah's...

“Rugrats” Aunt Miriam; The Inside Story

Influenced by a sci-fi film, Tommy and Chuckie worry that a visiting aunt may be a giant space ant; and the entire gang...

“Doug” Doug’s on Stage; Doug’s Worst Nightmare

Doug's on Stage; Doug's Worst Nightmare Doug helps Judy produce a play; Roger is exhibiting strange behavior---he's acting nice. Q&A : Q: Who are the...

“Married…With Children” Death of a Shoe Salesman 710

710 Death of a Shoe Salesman Al buys a cemetery plot next to his late movie hero. But where does that leave Peggy? Funeral Director:...

“The New Statesman” Back from the Mort 41

41 Back from the Mort Freed from a Russian gulag, Alan starts to clamber back from the bottom of the heap in recession-hit Britain. Q&A :...

Columbo S:12 E:1 | Un seul suffira

S:12 E:1 A Bird in the Hand à son bookmaker de Las Vegas, Hacker, que ce dernier l'a menacé de lui envoyer un homme de...

Она написала убийство S:9 E:6 | Ночь койота

S:9 E:6 Night of the Coyote В Силвервилле, Нью-Мексико, Джессика расследует убийство предпринимателя Макса Теллера, который превратил никому не известный шахтерский городок в достопримечательность. Вскоре...

Columbo A Bird in the Hand

Another baffling case for the crumpled cigar-chewing sleuth. After a brutish, bullying sports magnate is killed in a hit-and-run accident, suspicions are aroused when...