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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Baywatch” La torretta n. 6 317

317 Episode : La torretta n. 6 The Tower Jacob Kilmer, un assassino psicopatico, scappa di prigione e raggiunge il quartier generale di Baywatch. Qui si...

“Baywatch” The Tower 317

317 The Tower Mitch clashes with a police commander as he struggles to rescue Stephanie and Summer from a psychopath. Jackie: Susan Anton. Stephanie: Alexandra...

“Sweating Bullets” His Pal Joey

His Pal Joey Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Sweating Bullets "His Pal Joey ? A: The main cast...

“The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” Alma Mater 318

318 Alma Matter The biggest surprise surrounding The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air's obligatory "It's a Wonderful Life" parody is that the episode was NOT originally...

“Batman: The Animated Series” Birds of a Feather 147

147 Birds of a Feather The tables turn as Penguin becomes the victim, used by a slipping socialite and her friend to regain her status...

“Irresponsible Captain Tylor” The Ship Sets Sail, but Misgivings Remain 13

13 The Ship Sets Sail, but Misgivings Remain Tylor takes command of the Soyokaze. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Irresponsible Captain...

“Star Trek: The Next Generation” Face of the Enemy 614

614 Face of the Enemy Troi wakes to discover she has been surgically transformed as part of Spock's plans to unite the Vulcans and Romulans.,...

“Blossom” The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men 319

319 Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men Nick just got a Mickey Mouse job as an Elvis impersonator. What are the Russos going to...

“Hearts Afire” Her Year with Fidel 118

118 Her Year with Fidel Georgie revolts when John wonders about the old story of her having had an affair with Fidel Castro. John: John...

Love & War S:1 E:18 | Tattoo You

S:1 E:18 Tattoo You Wally is angered when Jack's traditionalist views force him to disapprove of her new tattoo., Wally is angered when Jack shows...