Whose Wife Is It Anyway?
Moving from Thursdays to Tuesdays on NBC's prime-time lineup, Wings begins its eighth season with Helen (Crystal Bernard) still...
Stormy Weather
B Company goes to Cyprus for a training exercise; Wilton applies for the SAS; Tucker faces a paternity suit., Stormy Weather After...
Error in the System
Grimlord uses a computer virus to "crash" the lab's computer system and retrieve the secret of Mass Inter-Reality Travel.
Q&A :...
S:1 E:3
The Faith of 50 Million People 3rd Inning
Third inning (1910-20). A profile of Connie Mack; Ty Cobb's suspension; the construction of Ebbets...
Web of Fear
Unter der Stadt leben Monsterspinnen mit Namen Unkboots. Sie entführen Jasmin. Aladdin begibt sich in die Unterwelt. Er stellt überrascht...