Episode : Un vaccino pericoloso
Twice Dead
La Signora Fletcher viene a sapere dalla televisione che il suo amico Dottor Max Franklin è deceduto in...
Episode : Homer il clown
Homie the Clown
Avendo bisogno di denaro, Krusty è costretto a fondare un'università per clown. Homer, incuriosito, si iscrive e...
Homie the Clown
While Krusty the Clown (voice of Dan Castellaneta) may be a beloved television personality and the biggest star in Springfield, he's...
Lex Luthor rises from the dead, having lost everything but his desire for Lois---and his longing to kill Superman., Lex Luthor (John Shea)...
S:1 E:2
The Buccaneers, happily installed in a house rented from Lord Seadown's mistress Idina, are ready for their first major assault on the...