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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“La signora in giallo” Set mortale 1121

1121 Episode : Set mortale Game, Set, Murder La tennista professionista Louise Henderson da bambina ha assistito all'omicidio della madre e da allora è ancora in...

“I Simpson” Limone di Troia 624

624 Episode : Limone di Troia Lemon of Troy Dopo aver ascoltato un discorso di Marge, volto a esaltare l'amore per la propria città, Bart si...

“Tenchi Universe” No Need for a Carnival 17

17 Tenchi takes Sasami to the fair. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Tenchi Universe "No Need for a Carnival 1...

“Married…With Children” Shoeless Al 925

925 Shoeless Al Al feigns a fear of shoes to win a lawsuit, and now he may have to bowl barefooted in a championship match.,...

“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” Whine, Whine, Whine 221

221 Whine, Whine, Whine Clark considers leaving Metropolis when he's snubbed by Lois---and when Superman is sued by a rock-star wannabe (Jason Carter). Elise: Michele...

The Simpsons S:6 E:24 | Lemon of Troy

S:6 E:24 Lemon of Troy Springfield boys try to recapture the town's beloved lemon tree after it's stolen., The Shelbyville kids steal Springfield's lemon tree...

Симпсоны S:6 E:24 | Лимонное дерево

S:6 E:24 Lemon of Troy Мальчики Спрингфилда пытаются вернуть в город любимое лимонное дерево горожан, которое кто-то украл.

Los Simpson S:6 E:24 El limón de Troya

S:6 E:24 Lemon of Troy El robo de uno de los símbolos de Springfield, el limonero, por parte de unos niños de Shelbyville, provoca una...

Les Simpson S:6 E 24 Le citron de la discorde

S:6 E 24 Lemon of Troy Entre Shelbyville et Springfield, un citronnier centenaire existe. Depuis des années, les deux villes se disputent sa possession mais...

Loïs & Clark : les nouvelles aventures de Superman S:2 E 21 Concert de plaintes

S:2 E 21 Whine, Whine, Whine A cause d'une plainte portée contre lui par un homme qui aurait subi des dommages lors d'un sauvetage, Superman...