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“Women of the House” Women in Film 110

110 Women in Film Suzanne and her staffers team with three members (Jason Grant Smith, Douglas Sills, Tony Carreiro) of a communications committee to report...

“Clive Barker’s Lord of Illusions”

A private investigator hired to protect a popular stage magician finds himself drawn into a dark, occult underworld, Horror tale about a detective...

“The Amazing Panda Adventure”

In this children's adventure a young boy heads for China with his father to spend his spring break on a wildlife preserve in...


So impressed were Columbia with Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi, shot on a budget of $7,000, they offered him a bigger budget for this...

“Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey”

Anyone who has ever seen a horror or science fiction film from the 50s, or heard "Good Vibrations" by The Beach Boys, has...

La Balada del Pistolero

1995 Action/Adventure,Sequel,Other

El Pistolero

1995 Action/Adventure,Sequel,Other

Au secours du petit panda

Un petit animal, attachant et irrésistible, devient la coqueluche de deux jeunes enfants, qui l'ont sauvé des griffes de braconniers mal intentionnés.,...

Desperado (Danish)

Lejemorderen og musikeren El Mariachi ankommer til en lille mexicansk grænseby, der styres af narkobaronen Bucho. Det var Bucho, der skød hans...

Silmänkääntäjien kuningas

Yksityisetsivä Harry D'Amour tulee sotkeutuneeksi kauhistuttavaan ja maagiseen alamaailmaan tutustuessaan naiseen, joka uskoo, että hänen miehensä, menestyksekäs taikuri, on vaarassa. Käy...