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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Band of Gold” Kiss

Kiss Joyce endures several unexpected consequences of taking her grandchildren to visit their father, Steve, in Blackpool., Catch film star Samantha Morton in an...

“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” Forget Me Not 318

318 Forget Me Not In an effort to get her memory back, Lois enters a psychiatric hospital where she becomes a candidate for some sinister...

“Ballykissangel” The Power and the Glory 15

15 The Power and the Glory The local church and the pub fight for the attentions of the villagers and when a stranger in the...

“Snowy River: The McGregor Saga” House of Worship 219

219 House of Worship The rebuilding of a church is hampered by the arrival of an immigrant family. Matt: Andrew Clarke. Kathleen: Wendy Hughes. Rob:...

“NewsRadio” Houses of the Holy 216

216 Houses of the Holy When Catherine calls out sick, it touches off a war among the staffers to see who will join Bill on...

Les contes d’Avonlea S:7 E:10 | Amours défuntes

S:7 E:10 After the Ball Is Over Janet accepte d'organiser une fête pour l'anniversaire d'Eliza.

Mad About You S:4 E:17 Todos me odian

S:4 E:17 Everybody Hates Me Jamie se tiñe el pelo de oscuro para probar algo diferente.

Tatort | Wer nicht schweigt muss sterben

Wer nicht schweigt muss sterben Zunächst sieht es nach einem ganz gewöhnlichen Raubmord aus. Irritierend nur, dass der Hauptverdächtige ein guter alter Bekannter...

Loïs & Clark : les nouvelles aventures de Superman S:3 E 18 Trou de mémoire

S:3 E 18 Forget Me Not Pour la guérir de son amnésie, Loïs est placée sous le contrôle du Dr Elias Mendenhall et de son...