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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Case Closed” Deadly Game 110

110 Puro Sakkā Senshu Kyōhaku Jiken Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Case Closed "Deadly Game 1 10? A: The main...

“Kavanagh Q.C.” The Burning Deck 23

23 The Burning Deck A navy lieutenant and a mechanic are charged with arson and face a court-martial. Kavanagh: John Thaw., When an officer and...

“Melrose Place” The Burning Sofa 426

426 The Burning Couch Bobby has been arrested for assaulting Peter, though a tense situation is momentarily defused when Sydney convinces Amanda to drop the...

Murder One Chapter Seventeen 117

1 17 Chapter Seventeen Eduardo Portalegre (Nick Corri) is again charged with rape and becomes a suspect in Jessica's murder; patients of Graham Lester testify...

Die Nanny S:3 E:23 | Maxwell und die Midlife Crisis

S:3 E:23 That's Midlife Maxwell ist frustriert, weil sein neuestes Stück am Broadway überhaupt nicht gut angekommen ist. Dass C.C. seine Niederlage, die in allen...

Une nounou d’enfer S:3 E 23 La crise de la quarantaine

S:3 E 23 That's Midlife La dernière exposition de Maxwell ne s'est pas bien déroulée. Aussi quand Fran le bat au tennis, son moral plonge....

Second Noah Ghost Story

When objects start disappearing, could the culprit be a ghost? Or could it be Bethany's new friend, a strange, charming vagrant who lives in...

Dzieje mistrza Twardowskiego

Pocz?tek XVI wieku. Na powracaj?cego z wielomiesi?cznej podró?y Miko?aja Twardowskiego (Jerzy Kamas) z Miechowa napadaj? zbójcy. Przera?ony szlachcic wzywa na pomoc czarta, który zjawia...