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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Renegade” Il seme cattivo 522

522 Episode : Il seme cattivo The Bad Seed Donny Dixon, il figlio di Dutch, evade dal penitenziario di Perdito con l'intenzione di vendicare la morte...

“Fever Pitch”

The madly devoted Arsenal fan and English teacher Paul Ashwood gets involved with his colleague Sarah, who doesn't share his love for football....

“Double Team”

Like John Woo and Ringo Lam before him, noted Hong Kong action director Tsui Hark made his American filmmaking debut with a thriller...

“Slayers TRY” Majestic? Journey to the New World! 11

11 Ifū Dōdō? Tabidachi no Ho o Agero! After a Golden Dragon attack pushes them into the sea, Lina and the crew inadvertently destroy the...

“The Outer Limits” Dead Man’s Switch 313

313 Dead Man's Switch Five people, one of whom is a soldier, are isolated in bunkers equipped with doomsday devices as aliens invade Earth., Four...

“Renegade” The Bad Seed 522

522 The Bad Seed Dutch Dixon's son escapes from prison to exact revenge on his mother's killer---who he believes is Reno---just as new evidence in...

“Sabrina, the Teenage Witch” Meeting Dad’s Girlfriend 120

120 Meeting Dad's Girlfriend Sabrina dislikes her dad's girlfriend, so, during a chat with the woman, she brings up a topic bound to cause a...

“Faith of Our Fathers”

Two strangers form a bond when they discover a series of notes their fathers wrote to each other during their time serving in...

“BeetleBorgs” This Old Ghost 138

138 This Old Ghost Flabber (Billy Forester) and the monsters become homeless when the ghost of Old Man Hillhurst returns to the mansion and evicts...

“Chasing Amy”

Ben Affleck and Jason Lee are starting to make it as a comic strip creators but their friendship is threatened when Affleck falls...