To Nikita's chagrin, Michael is assigned to seduce an assassin's troubled wife (Yvonne Scio), whose help he needs to obtain her husband's secret...
"The Swords," about an American (Balthazar Getty) in London romancing a woman who performs magic tricks with swords. Musidora: Amanda Ryan. Dean: Jamie...
"Ménage á Trois," with Karen Black as an invalid who vicariously experiences physical love through the relationship between her nurse and her handyman...
Yellow Queen in the Fires of Hell
The return of a former flame (Amy Van Horne) complicates Remy's investigation of serial slayings committed, apparently,...
Lone Voyager
A famous yachtswoman mysteriously disappears while on an early morning sail., Wycliffe and the team find themselves dealing with more than a...
The Road to Ka-Larry
Topperville names Sue Snue as its Ambassador to Ka-Larry. Her first assignment: deliver a box of "priceless" to Queen Regina...