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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Un detective in corsia” Incendio a Malibù 53

53 Episode : Incendio a Malibù Malibu Fire Sulle colline intorno a Malibu scoppia un violento incendio. Un volontario del Corpo dei Vigili del Fuoco, Jerry...

“Friends” La reincarnazione 42

42 Episode : La reincarnazione The One with the Cat Monica esce con Chip, il ragazzo più popolare della scuola quando lei e Rachel frequentavano il...

“ER” Something New 42

42 Something New Benton breaks in a new surgical resident, Elizabeth Corday (Alex Kingston), from England; Carter and Del Amico (Maria Bello) start training two...

“Whose Line Is It Anyway?” Proops, Frost, Stiles, Mochrie 913

913 Greg Proops, Steve Frost, Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Whose Line Is It Anyway?...

“Cracker” Madwoman 13

13 A woman is stabbed to death on a train, but the prime suspect (Adewale Akinnuoye 'Agabaje), whose clothes were covered with blood, says...

“Seinfeld” The Voice 92

92 The Voice "The voice" is actually "the stomach" in this episode -- that is, the weird nocturnal noises emanating from the stomach of Claire...

Forensic Files The Common Thread

The Common Thread The hunt for a serial killer who plagued the Tampa area during the 1980s is recalled. The case broke wide...

Friends S:4 E:2 | The One with the Cat

S:4 E:2 The One with the Cat Phoebe believes that the cat that jumped into her guitar case in Central Perk contains the spirit of...

Friends S:4 E:2 | Celui qui ne voyait qu’un chat

S:4 E:2 The One with the Cat Phoebe trouve un chat égaré. Elle pense qu'il contient l'esprit de la défunte femme qu'elle croyait être sa...

Diagnostic : Meurtre S:5 E:3 | Malibu en flamme

S:5 E:3 Malibu Fire Un feu se déclare sur les collines de Malibu et crée des tensions entre les résidents du quartier. Le docteur Sloan...