Episode : Supergirl (2ª parte)
Little Girl Lost, Part II
Granny Goodness tende una trappola a Superman e lo cattura; ora tocca a Supergirl correre...
Circle of Life
Il protagonista della famosa serie televisiva è Cordell Walker impegnato a contrastare il crimine a Dallas e nell'intero Texas. Appartenente al...
Episode : Una vita insieme
To Have and to Hold
Durante un'escursione in montagna, dottor Mike e Sully ricordano i momenti trascorsi insieme e rivivono...
S:5 E:5
New Jersey Devils vs. Ottawa Senators - Conference Quarter-Final Game 6
The Ottawa Senators eliminate the New Jersey Devils in six games.
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Home Alone With Frank; The Lucky Penny
After watching too many monster movies, Ned becomes paranoid when left home alone; Ned's father accidentally deposits...
Jarod takes the place of a millionaire whose son has been kidnapped, in order to negotiate with the kidnapper. Manny: Miguel Sandoval. Harper:...