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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Superman” Supergirl (2ª parte) 228

228 Episode : Supergirl (2ª parte) Little Girl Lost, Part II Granny Goodness tende una trappola a Superman e lo cattura; ora tocca a Supergirl correre...

“Walker Texas Ranger” La famiglia Lopez

Circle of Life Il protagonista della famosa serie televisiva è Cordell Walker impegnato a contrastare il crimine a Dallas e nell'intero Texas. Appartenente al...

“Ultime dal cielo” Il camaleonte

Show me the Monet Un affascinante gentiluomo inglese, che aiuta Gary in una delle sue missioni, si rivela essere un artista ed ex falsario...

“La signora del West” Una vita insieme 620

620 Episode : Una vita insieme To Have and to Hold Durante un'escursione in montagna, dottor Mike e Sully ricordano i momenti trascorsi insieme e rivivono...

“NHL Playoff Classics” S:5 E:5 New Jersey Devils vs. Ottawa Senators – Conference Quarter-Final Game 6

S:5 E:5 New Jersey Devils vs. Ottawa Senators - Conference Quarter-Final Game 6 The Ottawa Senators eliminate the New Jersey Devils in six games. Watch on...

“Ned’s Newt” Home Alone With Frank; The Lucky Penny

Home Alone With Frank; The Lucky Penny After watching too many monster movies, Ned becomes paranoid when left home alone; Ned's father accidentally deposits...

“The Pretender” Stolen 218

218 Stolen Jarod takes the place of a millionaire whose son has been kidnapped, in order to negotiate with the kidnapper. Manny: Miguel Sandoval. Harper:...

“The Pretender” Red Rock Jarod 219

219 Red Rock Jarod A message supposedly from Jarod begins an adventure that sees him taken prisoner and soon reveals that two people who were...

“Power Rangers in Space” The Barillian Sting 614

614 The Barillian Sting While the Power Rangers are on an alien planet, Carlos is bitten by a Barillian bug, and the bite is slowly...

“Eerie, Indiana: The Other Dimension” Mr. Lucky 112

112 Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Eerie, Indiana: The Other Dimension "Mr. Lucky 1 12? A: The main cast...