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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Il negoziatore”

Nel corso di un'indagine su un caso di corruzione all'interno del dipartimento di polizia, L'agente Danny Roman rimane vittima di un complotto e...

“Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” You and I Together 288

288 You and I Together You and I together is the theme, as Mister Rogers gets his eyes examined. Also: a video on eyeglasses; a...

“Trigun” Rem Saverem 117

117 Vash recounts his early years with his twin brother, Knives, under the care of Rem Saverem. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast...

“The Negotiator”

Samuel L Jackson and Kevin Spacey are two good reasons to watch this action drama as they go head-to-head as hostage negotiators. Jackson...

El Negociador

1998 Mystery & Suspense,Suspense/Thriller,Drama

El Mediador

1998 Mystery & Suspense,Suspense/Thriller,Drama


Chicagon poliisin neuvottelija Danny Roman lavastetaan syylliseksi työparinsa murhaan, ja Roman vastaa syytöksiin ottamalla panttivangin. Suuri mediasirkus pyörähtää käyntiin, sillä Roman...


Niemand bei der Chicagoer Polizei ist so gut in Sachen Geiselnahmen wie Danny Roman. Als ihm eine Korruptionsaffäre und ein Mord untergeschoben...

Le négociateur

Au 20e étage d'un immeuble de Chicago, un homme retient en otage le responsable de la police des polices, le commandant Forst,...


1998 Mystery & Suspense,Suspense/Thriller,Drama