A transporter accident results in the Doctor's mobile emitter being infused with Seven of Nine's Borg nanoprobes, creating a Borg drone hybrid. J....
Thank You For Not Morphing
When the Halliwells' long-lost dad (Tony Denison) visits, Prue wonders about his intentions, but Phoebe secretly meets with him---and...
Collect Call for Dick
After Dick almost bites into a "Fuzzy Buddy" in a fast-food restaurant burger, he comes obsessed with the cute collectibles.,...
As Nigel Kirkland, the Knight Sabers' mechanic, begins construction on Linna's hardsuit, Linna starts to feel doubts about her chosen mission, and speaks...
Alternate Lifestyles
An economics-class project pairs Andie (Meredith Monroe) with Pacey, who gains a wealth of knowledge about her past; and Jen with a...
French-born, UCLA-trained screenwriter Jean-Yves Pitoun made his directorial debut with this French comedy in which self-taught cook Lorenzo is discharged from the U.S....