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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Forensic Files” Core Evidence 410

410 Core Evidence Forensic-science techniques employed by real CSIs are examined in this documentary series, which follows coroners, law-enforcement personnel and others as they try...

“One Piece” Luffy’s Past! Enter Red-Haired Shanks! 14

14 Rufi no Kako! Akagami no Shankusu Tōjō Luffy recalls a time when Captain Red-Haired Shanks taught him a valuable lesson in friendship and set...

The Man Show Veal

An inductee into The Man Show Hall of Fame; a profile of "Angelique." Hosts: Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel.

Pingu Pingu Gets Organized

Pingu Gets Organized Pingu is ordered to clear up all the toys . it starts of very well but it doesn't last at...

The Man Show S:1 E:16 | Veal

S:1 E:16 An inductee into The Man Show Hall of Fame; a profile of "Angelique." Hosts: Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel.

Teletubbies | Monter et descendre

Going up and Going Down Les spécialistes de la petite enfance l'ont saluée et les enfants ne s'y sont pas trompés. C'est donc...

Medical Detectives – Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin | Der plötzliche Tod

Sign Here / Core Evidence Die zweifache Mutter Sharri Dally verschwindet spurlos nach einem Einkaufstrip. Ein Augenzeuge gibt später an, gesehen zu haben,...

Medical Detectives – Geheimnisse der Gerichtsmedizin | Spuren ins Ungewisse

Grave Evidence Am 2. Juni 1976 gehen Martin Dillon und Dr. Stephen Scher gemeinsam Tontaubenschießen. Wenig später ist Dillon tot. Schers Aussage, sein...