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“I Soprano” L’ultima tequila 213

213 Episode : L'ultima tequila Funhouse Le cose per Tony stanno andando davvero bene. Ma i dubbi su Pussy lo tormentano. Durante una visita, con Silvio...

“I Simpson” A tutta birra… 1118

1118 Episode : A tutta birra... Days of Wine and D'oh'ses Mentre Barney prende lezioni di volo, Bart e Lisa restano intrappolati in un incendio divampato...

“The Sopranos” Funhouse 213

213 Funhouse Tony and Pussy pull off a scam that puts a smile on Carmela's face; Livia and her sister plan a trip to Arizona;...

“Futurama” A Clone of My Own 215

215 A Clone of My Own Professor Farnsworth's time for retirement is here. He decides to create his own clone, whom he names Cubert, to...

“Pacific Blue” S.N.A.F.U. 522

522 A return visit by Chris Kelly (Darlene Vogel) is marred by T.C.'s dependence on painkillers and by his admission of an affair with...

Lexx Battle 310

3 10 Battle The Lexx crew is attacked by balloons from the planet Fire. Xev is kidnapped, leaving Kai and Stan to battle their enemies...

The Practice Death Penalties 418

4 18 Death Penalties Helen is immovable in prosecuting a mercy killer whose case hits home for Bobby; Ellenor searches for misplaced evidence that might...

The X-Files All Things 717

7 17 All Things Series regular Gillian Anderson made her X-Files writing and directing debut with the April 9, 2000, episode "all things." Not surprisingly,...

The Simpsons Days of Wine and D’oh’ses 1118

11 18 Days of Wine and D'oh'ses Barney quits drinking to take helicopter-flying lessons, leaving Homer feeling resentful and inferior; Lisa and Bart enter a...

The Simpsons S:11 E:18 | Days of Wine and D’oh’ses

S:11 E:18 Days of Wine and D'oh'ses Barney quits drinking to take helicopter-flying lessons, leaving Homer feeling resentful and inferior; Lisa and Bart enter a...