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“Law & Order: Unità speciale” Violenze coniugali 27

27 Episode : Violenze coniugali Asunder La verità dietro il presunto stupro di una donna da parte di suo marito, nonché poliziotto, viene alla luce quando...

“The Powerpuff Girls” Hot Air Buffoon; Ploys R Us

The Mayor takes to a hot-air balloon to fight crime; the Professor steals toys while he's sleepwalking. Q&A : Q: Who are the main...


Discover the principles of sound and help make your own band. Teaches the basic terms such as amplitude, frequency, pitch and more. Watch...

“Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” Asunder 27

27 Asunder A cop's in trouble when his abusive wife accuses him of rape after a domestic dispute spirals out of control. And Jeffries is...

“Cold Squad” Trust 47

47 Trust A murder-suicide investigation unearths hidden family secrets. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Cold Squad "Trust 4 7? A: The...


A middle-aged man finds love in the last place he was looking -- his psychiatrist's waiting room -- in this dark comedy drama....

Even Stevens S:1 E:15 | Heck of a Hanukkah

S:1 E:15 Heck of a Hanukkah After Louis is grounded for accidentally destroying the Hanukkah gifts, a strange visitor shows him what the Stevens home...

Sheep en la gran ciudad S:1 E:4 Belle of the Baaah

S:1 E:4 Belle of the Baaah Sheep se siente insignificante hasta que se traga accidentalmente un diamante y pasa a ser el centro de atención...

Las chicas superpoderosas S:3 E:20 Problema de globalización

S:3 E:20 Hot Air Buffoon El alcalde lleva un globo de aire caliente para combatir el crimen.

Las chicas superpoderosas S:3 E:21 Juego de villanos

S:3 E:21 Ploys R' Us El profesor roba juguetes mientras está sonámbulo.