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Will & Grace S :3 E:11 | Coffee & Commitment (Dutch)

S :3 E:11 Coffee & Commitment Will en Grace worden gevraagd tijdens een partnerschapsregistratie iets leuks te vertellen over hun twee vrienden. Ondertussen probeert Karen...

Friends S :7 E:11 | The One With All the Cheesecakes (Dutch)

S :7 E:11 The One With All the Cheesecakes Gast: Hank Azaria (David)Monica, Rachel, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe en Ross zijn beste vrienden die wonen in...

Frendit S:7 E:11 Juustokakkuja

S:7 E:11 The One With All the Cheesecakes Monica ei ole saanut kutsua serkkunsa häihin - Ross on. Phoebe törmää vanhaan ihastukseensa. Chandler ja...

Friends S:7 E 11 Celui qui aimait les cheesecakes

S:7 E 11 The One With All the Cheesecakes Rachel et Chandler ne peuvent résister à de délicieux cheesecakes délivrés par erreur chez ce dernier....

Friends S:7 E:11 Torte a domicilio

Season 7 Episode 11 Episode : Torte a domicilio The One With All the Cheesecakes Monica non è stata invitata al matrimonio di sua cugina mentre...

World War II: Britain Stands Alone

With the surrender of France, Britain stood alone together with her empire against triumphant Germany. At home Britain now faced the threat of...