Episode : Ritorno al passato
Christopher Returns
Lorelai sta per ammettere i suoi sentimenti nei confronti di Luke quando all'improvviso si ripresenta Christopher, l'uomo che...
Episode : Difetti del sistema
Too Tough to Die
Una donna viene brutalmente violentata e ferita gravemente con due colpi di pistola. A indagare saranno...
Christopher Returns
Christopher Hayden (David Sutcliffe), Lorelai's ex-boyfriend and Rory's father, roars into town on his motorcycle, ostensibly to touch base with the mother...
Claire Denis ("Beau Travail") directed this haunting and disturbing thriller about vampirism. It centers on a newly married man (Vincent Gallo) who struggles...
S:7 E:16
Witch Hunt
Mark appréhende de recevoir les résultats de son test d'aptitude. Kim, la maîtresse de Weaver, est accusée de harcèlement sexuel par...
S:1 E:15
Christopher Returns
Christopher, le père de Rory, est de retour à Stars Hollow. Rory est euphorique, mais Lorelai la prévient que Christopher ne...
S:1 E:15
Christopher Returns
Rorys Vater Christopher taucht überraschend wieder in Stars Hollow auf – und landet prompt mit Lorelai im Bett. Als er Lorelai...