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“Kiss of the Dragon”

Un agente del governo cinese, Liu Jiuan, va a Parigi per partecipare a una delicata operazione antidroga. Il collega francese con il quale...

“Kiss of the Dragon”

Jet Li stars as top Chinese cop Liu Jian, brought to Paris to help crack a major drugs ring. But when the official...

“Clifford the Big Red Dog” The Big Sleepover; Dog for a Day

Clifford misses Emily when she goes on a trip, so his friends try to make up for it; Charley wants to lead a...

“Stargate SG-1” Threshold 52

52 Threshold After being raised from the dead and reunited with the evil Apophis, Teal'c must go through a dangerous Jaffa ritual if he is...

“Farscape” Relativity 310

310 Relativity The Retrieval Squad poses a new threat to the recuperating starship Talyn. Aeryn (Claudia Black) has a traumatic reunion with her supremely judgmental...

“The Outer Limits” In the Blood 711

711 In the Blood Among those who have joined an exploratory mission in space are Native American astrophysicist Callie Whitehorse Landau (Irene Bedard) and her...

“Lost and Delirious”

Romantic drama. A student starts life at a classy private boarding school and discovers that her two roommates are lovers., Piper Perabo gives...

“Even Stevens” Quest for Coolness 24

24 Quest for Coolness Louis and Twitty attempt to be part of the hip crowd at school by trying to track down pairs of the...


The film revolves around Narasimha Raju, a rich yet simple man, who is respected by his entire village. He has a tragic...

Clifford le gros chien rouge | Nuit à la belle étoile

The Big Sleepover Emily part de l'île pour une nuit et demande à Charley de garder Clifford. Tout va bien pendant la journée,...