Episode : Il nonno di sé stesso
Roswell That Ends Well
Fry aziona il microonde della Planet Express proprio mentre l'astronave passa attraverso l'esplosione di...
Inter Arma Silent Leges
An Arab-American's wife seeks Rebecca's help in locating her husband, detained for national-security reasons; Eugene's defense in a murder case...
The Blunder Years
A hypnotist unlocks a repressed memory in Homer, who recalls childhood times with Moe, Carl and Lenny---and his finding a corpse....
Mea Culpa
Sloane orders Sydney's assassination. Meanwhile, Will is drawn further into his investigation by a series of mysterious phone calls., Not yet willing...
Murphy Murph & The Feng-Shui Bunch
Capt. Murphy brings in a feng-shui master to harmonize Sealab., Driven to near-madness by being confined to the...