Sweets and Sour Marge
Ben Stiller plays a sugar company's CEO who draws Marge's ire after Springfield is declared the "World's Fattest Town." Julie...
Change of a Dress
Carrie and Aidan's wedding plans are moving too fast for her; Miranda is nonplussed after a revealing ultrasound; Charlotte tries...
S:2 E:3
Hypocrisy: Don't Do It
The gang watches a gay soap, "Gay as Blazes," which portrays gays as responsible, monogamous pillars of community. Brian...
S:3 E:10
The Dispossessed
An embattled jungle tribe seeks Dar's help in its fight against an unscrupulous trader, who's clear-cutting the habitat and searching for...
S:3 E:4
Assistancemelding A-6/01
Da et yngre par kommer tilbage fra et restaurationsbesøg i en fremmed by, er det hotel, hvor deres 8-årige søn ligger...
S:13 E:8
Sweets and Sour Marge
Springfield muuttuu Maailman Läskikaupungiksi sokerifirman toteuttaessa pirullista suunnitelmaansa sekoittaa kaikkiin elintarvikkeisiin sokeria. - Vierasääni: Ben Stiller.
S:13 E:8
Sweets and Sour Marge
La familia Simpson acude a la biblioteca porque está haciendo modificaciones y venden libros. Homer compra un libro de...