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Touched by an Angel Ship in a Bottle 813

8 13 Ship-in-a-Bottle Drama series surrounding angels and God's assignments for them on Earth. The angels visit a father who is obsessed with controlling every...

The Grey Zone

Actor, writer, and director Tim Blake Nelson adapts this grim look at the holocaust from his own play, based on Miklos Nyiszli's...

X-Men: Evolution S:2 E:10 | Mindbender

S:2 E:10 Mindbender The X-Men team up to stop the mysterious thefts of precious jewellery by academy students under a deadly spell., Jean is possessed...

The Grey Zone

Actor, writer, and director Tim Blake Nelson adapts this grim look at the holocaust from his own play, based on Miklos Nyiszli's...

Andromeda | Aufstand der Sklaven

Bunker Hill Die Erdenbewohner ächzen unter dem Joch der Draganer, die die Menschen wie Sklaven behandeln. Harper will eingreifen und zettelt mit Hilfe...

The Grey Zone

Actor, writer, and director Tim Blake Nelson adapts this grim look at the holocaust from his own play, based on Miklos Nyiszli's book, Auschwitz:...

The Lost World L’Era Glaciale

Agli inizi del Novecento, uno zoologo guida una spedizione su un altipiano dell'Amazzonia popolato da specie estinte. Da un romanzo di Arthur Conan Doyle.

Andromeda Bunker Hill

Draganie wypowiadaj? wojn? cz?onkom klanu Sabra-Jaguar. Za?oga Andromedy zostaje wci?gni?ta w konflikt na mocy uk?adu podpisanego przez Wspólnot?. Harper otrzymuje wiadomo?? od mieszkaj?cego na...