Episode : La ricevuta
The Receipt
Jim perde la ricevuta d'acquisto di un DVD che vuole cambiare perché difettoso. Cheryl lo rimprovera per poi scoprire...
Documentary Special
A documentary in which former real-life West Wingers (including Presidents Clinton, Carter and Ford) recall White House experiences also includes clips from...
I Fought the In-Laws
The minor insults of Claudia's visiting parents get under Sean's skin., The minor insults of Claudia's visiting parents get so...
Hello Stranger
Meg is thrown into turmoil when her first love, ex-husband Kevin (Jodi's father) returns after 18 years., Jodi's father shows up at...
Following the adventures of the crew on board the first warp 5 capable starship. While exploring a planet, Archer and Mayweather enter a...
The Graduate
Narrowly escaping her plagiarism fiasco, Felicity graduates with her friends---but commencement isn't the only momentous event on her horizon: Ben proposes, and...