Episode : L'arrivo dei nonni
Turf Wars
Ephram e Delia ricevono la visita dei nonni materni. Il tranquillo menage famigliare viene sconvolto e il dottor...
Episode : L'odore della notte
L'odore della notte
Dopo aver dichiarato di voler promuovere "il risveglio economico di questa nostra amata e sventurata terra", il...
Teenage boys are confronted about their out-of-control behavior by former U.S. Marine Raymond Moses and his colleagues Jason Vaughn and Christopher Lightle.
Q&A :...
Super Saiyan Vegetto--actually the combined Vegeta and Goku--squares off against Super Majin Buu. But though Vegetto may emerge triumphant, Buu's anger could well...
Members of a suburban Miami family are found slaughtered in their house after a blood-drenched toddler is discovered walking around a nearby neighbourhood.,...