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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Everwood” Un padre a metà 110

110 Episode : Un padre a metà Is There a Doctor in the House? Ephram non riesce a ambientarsi ad Everwood. Il rapporto con il padre...

“Il commissario Montalbano” Gatto e cardellino 44

44 Episode : Gatto e cardellino Gatto e cardellino A Vigata si susseguono una serie di scippi dalle modalità a dir poco anomale. Lo scippatore si...

“CSI: Miami” Traiettorie di morte 19

19 Episode : Traiettorie di morte Kill Zone Un cecchino appostato su un tetto spara nel centro cittadino, in piena ora di punta, uccidendo tre persone....

“Baby Looney Tunes” A Pastime for Petunia; Pouting Match

A Pastime for Petunia; Pouting Match Melissa tries to help Petunia find a hobby; Lola starts pouting when she doesn't get her way., Pastime...

“Everybody Loves Raymond” She’s the One 79

79 She's the One Everyone thinks Robert has found true love until Ray witnesses his brother's new girlfriend (Elizabeth Bogush) do something shocking, which Robert...

“CSI: Miami” Kill Zone 19

19 Kill Zone Horatio and the team investigate when an unseen sniper murders three people at random during rush hour in downtown Miami., An unseen...

“Crossing Jordan” Scared Straight 27

27 Scared Straight Jordan investigates the killing of the lesbian girlfriend of a radio psychologist (Mariel Hemingway); a leukemia victim's daughter tells Macy that her...

“Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl’s Heart” Con Tenerezza – Possessing a Touch of Softness 12

12 Con Tenerezza – Possessing a Touch of Softness Mr. Shirikawa confuses Miu by showing interest in her improvisational piece. Meanwhile, it's her parents' anniversary...

“7th Heaven” Lost Souls 79

79 Lost Souls Eric considers another calling after the ministry loses its appeal and a new neighbor mistakenly calls him Mr. Camden; Lucy seeks advice...

“Adventure Inc.” Magic of the Rain Forest 18

18 Magic of the Rain Forest Judson's professional life becomes personal after he's hired to find a missing anthropologist (Nahanni Johnston) from his romantic past....