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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“A proposito di Schmidt”

La pensione e l'improvvisa scomparsa di sua moglie hanno fatto perdere a Warren Schmidt tutti i suoi punti di riferimento. Incerto sul suo...

“E.R. – Medici in prima linea” Il passato che torna 910

910 Episode : Il passato che torna Hindsight Andando a ritroso nel tempo, si scopre come Erin sia finita in ospedale e come Luka sia coinvolto....

“Friends” A casa per Natale 910

910 Episode : A casa per Natale The One With Christmas in Tulsa È Natale, ma mentre tutti gli amici sono riuniti a New York, Chandler...

“CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” High and Low 310

310 High and Low Skateboarders find a man's body lying on the concrete - but how did it get there? Did he fall from a...

“Forensic Files” House Call 725

725 House Call A murder investigation in St Petersburg, Florida crosses jurisdictions from New York and Jamaica. The police rely on mobile phone mapping, wiretapping...

“Knight Hunters: Eternity” Sweet Nothing 13

13 Kyou and Aya reenter the school as the suicides continue; Todo manipulates Izumi into killing Inagaki; Rex divulges some important information. Q&A : Q:...

“Naruto” The Land Where a Hero Once Lived 111

111 Eiyū no ita kuni The Ninjas go into hard training to be ready to defeat Zabuza if he comes back, and discover just how...

“Friends” The One with Christmas in Tulsa 910

910 The One With Christmas in Tulsa The idea of not spending the holidays with his new wife leads Chandler to make a not-so-very merry...

“Without a Trace” Midnight Sun 110

110 Midnight Sun A man leaves home in the morning with his 6-year-old daughter, planning to take her to school and to open his dry-cleaning...

“Mataku” The Sands of Time 26

26 Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Mataku "The Sands of Time 2 6? A: The main cast includes Temuera...