S:2 E:4
Core Challenge
Learn an intensive array of Matwork exercises based on the STOTT PILATES contemporary approach. Balancing upper and lower body exercises, this...
Episode : Miele amaro
The Sting
Durante una missione molto pericolosa, Fry viene ucciso da un'ape gigantesca. Leela si sente colpevole e non riesce a...
Children's entertainment., Animated tales of an atomic-powered robot who fights for justice in a futuristic society. Based on a 1950s Japanese comic-book series.
S:1 E:1
Firm & Fit
A flowing repertoire of stretching, strengthening and stabilizing exercises. This Stott Pilates workout will get you firm, fit and flexible...
The Delusions of Officer Jim Lahey
Ricky shoots a road-hockey ball through Mr. Lahey's window on the anniversary of his dismissal from the police...