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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“E.R. – Medici in prima linea” Scomparso 109

109 Episode : Scomparso Missing La Weaver deve affrontare delle complicazioni nella sua gravidanza. Kovac intanto commette un errore e un giovane paziente ne paga le...

“Good Eats” The Cookie Clause 712

712 In his quest to bake the perfect cookie to leave out for Santa Claus, Alton Brown breaks down recipes for sugar cookies, icing...

“Scrubs” My Friend the Doctor 38

38 My Friend the Doctor Turk joins J.D. in the winners' circle after he performs his first solo surgery brilliantly, leaving Elliot struggling to find...

“Counterfeiting in Suburbia”

A Spanish woman (Natalia Verbeke) is torn between her dull fiancé (James D'Arcy) and an attractive stranger (Gael Garcia Bernal), with whom she...

“Edgemont” The Date 415

415 The Date Paige's date with Mark falls through, so she and Jen have a girls' night. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members...

“The Convent”

Partying students get more than they bargained for when they take their celebration to an abandoned convent and encounter the occult. Standard horror...

“ER” Missing 109

109 Missing Sam is wary of Luka's friendship with her son, and Neela treats a pair of car-crash victims who are struggling with returning to...

“Will & Grace” Strangers With Candice 69

69 Strangers With Candice Karen takes Jack out to celebrate his success at nursing school, but the evening turns sour when they run into Karen's...

Dommer John Deed Judicial Review (Danish)

Da Monty Everard idømmer en politisk velgører en mild dom, bliver Deed rasende og anklager ham i fuld offentlighed for korruption. Da...

Убить Билла

Квентин Тарантино создает невообразимую смесь из азиатского боевика и спагетти-вестерна. Ума Турман играет женщину-киллера, желающую отомстить всем, кто участвовал в покушении на...