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“CSI: Scena del crimine” Furia omicida 410

410 Episode : Furia omicida Coming of Rage Un giovane viene trovato morto all'interno di un sito in costruzione. Grissom, Sarah e Warrick trovano evidenti tracce...

“Without a Trace” Coming Home 210

210 Coming Home Jack and the squad investigate the disappearance of a father-to-be who went missing after a high-school reunion - and find a splash...

“Sleepover Club” Blind Date

Blind Date Sam wants to learn how to dance ready for the upcoming fundraiser so Matt decides to help him out. Q&A : Q: Who...

“Modern Marvels” Egyptian Pyramids 957

957 Egyptian Pyramids The pyramids of Egypt are examined. Included: the Step Pyramid, the Bent Pyramid and the pyramids at Giza. Q&A : Q: Who are...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation S:4 E:10 | Coming of Rage

S:4 E:10 Coming of Rage The team track down the murderer of a teenager at a construction site and try to work through a perplexing...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation S :4 E:10 | Coming of Rage (Dutch)

S :4 E:10 Coming of Rage Op een bouwplaats wordt een tiener vermoord gevonden. Ter plaatse wordt een hamer met bloed gevonden en met die...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation S:4 E:10 Coming of Rage

S:4 E:10 Coming of Rage El equipo de CSI analiza el asesinato de un adolescente hallado en una obra en construcción, golpeado hasta la muerte...

CSI: Den Tätern auf der Spur S:4 E:10 | Kinderspiele

S:4 E:10 Coming of Rage Auf einer Baustelle wird die Leiche eines Jugendlichen gefunden, den sein Mörder mit einem Hammer erschlagen hat. Bei den Ermittlungen...

Celebrando las serpientes

2003 Documentary,Animals