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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Curb Your Enthusiasm” The Weatherman 44

44 The Weatherman The Weatherman: Larry suspects the weatherman is deliberately delivering inaccurate forecasts. Plus, he manages to scare everyone with images of his tooth...

“Time Team” Saxon Burials on the Bridge 114

114 Saxon Burials on the Bridge An Anglo-Saxon cemetery is discovered in South Carlton, England, after a metal detector turns up an array of 6th-century...

“Charmed” Used Karma 613

613 Used Karma Jason breaks up with Phoebe when he finally learns she and her sisters are witches. Richard casts a spell to rid himself...

“The L Word” Let’s Do It 13

13 Let's Do it Bette and Tina clash over a potential sperm donor; Shane is stalked by a jilted fling; Alice takes up with an...

“Midsomer Murders” The Maid in Splendour

The Maid in Splendour Conclusion. When a young barman from The Maid in Splendour pub is found shot dead, Barnaby and Scott uncover a...

Midsomer Murders The Maid in Splendour

The Maid in Splendour Conclusion. When a young barman from The Maid in Splendour pub is found shot dead, Barnaby and Scott uncover...

Sex and the City S:6 E:16 | Out of the Frying Pan

S:6 E:16 Out of the Frying Pan Miranda searches for more space for her family; Samantha doesn't let cancer get in the way of a...

Sexe à New York S:6 E:16 | Boule à zéro

S:6 E:16 Out of the Frying Pan Les tentatives de fécondation in vitro de Charlotte ayant toutes échoué, Harry recourt à l'adoption. L'appartement de Miranda...

Simpson | Le roman-savon de Marge

Diatribe of a Mad Housewife Marge écrit un roman qui se passe au XIXème siècle; c'est l'histoire d'une gentille petite famille pauvre où...

Witse S :1 E:3 | Het horloge (Dutch)

S :1 E:3 Het horloge Er werd een kind doodgereden en de dader pleegde vluchtmisdrijf. De avond vóór de begrafenis belt hij anoniem naar de...