Episode : Fatti e assuefatti
Co-Dependent's Day
Homer e Marge prendono l'abitudine di ubriacarsi bevendo vino., A Marge e ad Homer piace bere. I coniugi...
War of the Roses
In the start of a four-part story arc, William Shatner plays an eccentric, flamboyant, high-priced lawyer, who's defending Shore in...
Where's Johnny?
Tony tries to negotiate a power-sharing deal with ruthless mobster Johnny Sack, but finds his advances spurned., Stricken with dementia, Uncle Junior...
Definite Possible Murder
Brendan, laid up with a leg injury, thinks he sees a neighbor involved in a suspicious activity; meanwhile, Coach McGuirk reads...
Justice is Blind
Michael confesses to Maggie, who questions a new witness against George Sr. while Tobias tries to steal her other evidence. Maggie:...