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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Una mamma per amica” La festa è finita 58

58 Episode : La festa è finita The Party's Over Rory riceve una telefonata da parte di Emily e Richard che la invitano a una cena...

“Law & Order: Unità speciale” L’esecuzione 66

66 Episode : L'esecuzione Conscience Un bambino, Henry Morton, scompare misteriosamente durante la sua festa di compleanno. Viene ritrovato morto soffocato in un vicolo cieco. I...

“According to Jim” Il ballo padri-figlie 46

46 Episode : Il ballo padri-figlie Father-Daughter Dance Jim si sente profondamente offeso quando viene a sapere che Ruby ha invitato Andy a partecipare con lei...

“George Lopez” SK8R BOYZ 46

46 SK8R BOYZ Popularity issues plague both Carmen and Max, but in their efforts to improve, only one gets arrested. Kyle: Will Myer. Trevor: Landon...

“Toddworld” Rock My World

Rock My World In colourful Toddworld it's ok to be different and stand out. Todd and his friends explain acceptance, tolerance and diversity. Pickle...

“Veronica Mars” The Girl Next Door 17

17 The Girl Next Door Veronica becomes suspicious when a young pregnant woman living in their apartment complex suddenly disappears, especially given the volatile nature...

“Scrubs” My Malpractical Decision 49

49 My Malpractical Decision Trouble abounds for J.D. and Dr. Cox when they feel threatened by a patients' daughter, Neena Broderick, a malpractice attorney with...

“Maya & Miguel” Tito’s Mexican Vacation 111

111 Tito is homesick for Mexico and Maya recruits the gang to have a Mexican celebration at the community center, but not all goes...

“Toddworld” Toddtime/Rock My World

Todd wants to do things his way; Pickle's band plays too loudly. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Toddworld "Toddtime/Rock...

“Little Britain” Episode 4 24

24 Emily and Florence go to the ballet, while Dr Lawrence takes Anne to the theatre. Marjorie Dawes treats her FatFighters to a Christmas...