Episode : L'esecuzione
Un bambino, Henry Morton, scompare misteriosamente durante la sua festa di compleanno. Viene ritrovato morto soffocato in un vicolo cieco. I...
Episode : Il ballo padri-figlie
Father-Daughter Dance
Jim si sente profondamente offeso quando viene a sapere che Ruby ha invitato Andy a partecipare con lei...
Rock My World
In colourful Toddworld it's ok to be different and stand out. Todd and his friends explain acceptance, tolerance and diversity. Pickle...
The Girl Next Door
Veronica becomes suspicious when a young pregnant woman living in their apartment complex suddenly disappears, especially given the volatile nature...
My Malpractical Decision
Trouble abounds for J.D. and Dr. Cox when they feel threatened by a patients' daughter, Neena Broderick, a malpractice attorney with...