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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“24” Giorno 4: Da mezzanotte all’1:00 418

418 Episode : Giorno 4: Da mezzanotte all'1:00 Day 4: 12:00 Midnight-1:00 AM Marwan predispone un piano per entrare in possesso di una testata nucleare. Curtis...

“Due uomini e mezzo” Tu eri geloso di me? 220

220 Episode : Tu eri geloso di me? I Always Wanted a Shaved Monkey Charlie, creatore di jingle pubblicitari, scapolo, con una stupenda casa sulla spiaggia,...

“CSI: Miami” Morte su appuntamento 320

320 Episode : Morte su appuntamento Killer Date Kim Burton, organizzatrice di incontri tra uomini e donne sconosciuti, viene uccisa. Delko rimane coinvolto nelle indagini perché...

“Everwood” L’amara verità 317

317 Episode : L'amara verità Fate Accomplis La vita del dottor Andrew Brown è completamente cambiata dopo la morte della sua amatissima moglie. Se fino a...

“Battle Tech” Size it Up: Subs 11

11 Size it Up: Subs Different types of submersibles are examined. Included: REMUS, which detects mines with its sonar sensors; and the SEAL delivery vehicle...

“Two and a Half Men” I Always Wanted a Shaved Monkey 220

220 I Always Wanted a Shaved Monkey Rose tries to help the brothers sort out their feelings when Charlie and Alan take their personal frustrations...

“24” Day 4: 12:00 Midnight-1:00 AM 417

417 Day 4: 12:00 Midnight-1:00 AM Shortly after being sworn in before the media, Logan (Gregory Itzin) finds out that the nation's nuclear arsenal might...

“Sesame Street” Baby Bear’s First Day of School 3611

3611 Baby Bear goes to school for the first time and becomes friends with storybook characters, but he misses his family. Q&A : Q: Who...

“Nanny 911” King Family 114

114 The King Family Nanny Stella helps a family with five children; a self-proclaimed "old fashioned" husband who leaves chores and kids to his wife;...

“Passport to Europe” Innsbruck

Innsbruck A trip to Innsbruck, Austria. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Passport to Europe "Innsbruck ? A: The main...