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“Law & Order: Unità speciale” Ninna nanna 79

79 Episode : Ninna nanna Rockabye Lauren, una sedicenne venuta dalla Virginia, subisce una violenta aggressione. Ricoverata in ospedale, fugge, ma le analisi rivelano che è...

“Bones” Condannato a morte 17

17 Episode : Condannato a morte The Man on Death Row Booth esamina il dossier di un condannato a morte. L'uomo deve essere giustiziato ventidue ore...

“Dr. House Medical Division” Caccia al topo 27

27 Episode : Caccia al topo Hunting Una cimice delle volpi, che normalmente alberga solo nell'animale, è la causa del malessere accusato da uno dei pazienti...

“Nip/Tuck” Madison Berg 310

310 Episode : Madison Berg Madison Berg Christian e Kimber sono indaffarati nei preparativi per il matrimonio; entrambi però iniziano ad avere dei dubbi. Kimber si...

“A Love to Kill” Episode 8 18

18 Episode 8 Bok-gu rescues Eun-seok from the motorcycle and slowly starts falls in love with Bok-gu. Da Jung, who saw everything, kicks Bok-gu out...

“NCIS” Frame-Up 39

39 Frame-Up Tony is accused of murdering a woman whose body was found at Quantico and the team must prove his innocence. All the available...

“Da Vinci’s City Hall” Put Down the Hose Pick Up a Gun

Put Down the Hose, Pick Up a Gun Leary makes progress with the pedophile case and locates the hotel pictured in the photographs; Kosmo...

“The Office” E-mail Surveillance 29

29 E-Mail Surveillance A mockumentary on a group of typical office workers, where the workday consists of ego clashes, inappropriate behavior, and tedium., The staff...

“Charlie and Lola” The Most Wonderfullest Picnic in the Whole Wide World 112

112 The Most Wonderfullest Picnic Charlie loves his little sister, even is she lets her imagination carry her away sometimes! Picnic prerequisites are swirly tennis,...

“Ghost Squad” Hardcore 12

12 Hardcore Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Ghost Squad "Hardcore 1 2? A: The main cast includes Elaine Cassidy,Emma Fielding,Cal...