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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“The Shield” Ore contate 51

51 Episode : Ore contate Extraction La squadra d'assalto tenta di sedare una guerra razziale in atto fra messicani e neri, mentre Jon Kavanaugh degli Affari...

“The Shield” Extraction 51

51 Extraction A race war breaks out between blacks and Mexicans. Plus, a tax-increase ballot initiative fails, meaning cutbacks. One victim (in four months) is...

“Runway Moms” Toddler and Baby on the Way

As an expectant model nears the end of her pregnancy with her second child, the financial pressures of a growing family overwhelm her. Q&A...

“Gilmore Girls” The Perfect Dress 611

611 The Perfect Dress Lorelai sets a date for the wedding, but can't help feeling that something is bound to go wrong. Rory moves into...

“Shameless” Dark Friends 32

32 Dark Friends Ian (Gerard Kearns) discovers another side to Lip's dangerous new friend. Jody Latham., Lip finds a new friend when he starts as...

“Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” Blast 713

713 Blast M.E. Warner finds herself directly involved in a kidnapping case when she visits the home of an abducted 8-year-old girl to inform the...

“Rodney” Sleepover 28

28 The Sleepover Charlie regrets sleeping with Gerald Bob, but not as much as Rodney regrets accidentally giving alcohol to Jack and Danny. Q&A : Q:...

“Da Vinci’s City Hall” Gonna Cause a Ruckus

Gonna Cause a Ruckus Threats of a union war weigh on Da Vinci when an investigation determines that Fire and Rescue may have contributed...

“Scrubs” My Day at the Races 53

53 My Day at the Races J.D. struggles with turning 30, while Turk tries to make a good impression on the higher-ups in an attempt...

“Dead Famous: Ghostly Encounters” Carole Lombard and Clark Gable 35

35 Carole Lombard and Clark Gable Places in Hollywood associated with Carole Lombard and Clark Gable are visited. Included: the hotel where they spent their...