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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Barney & Friends” Movement; BJ’s Snack Attack 107

107 B.J. and Baby Bop help Barney prepare for a footrace by showing him how to stretch his muscles. Also: B.J. feels sick after...

“Dr. House Medical Division” Linee nella sabbia 34

34 Episode : Linee nella sabbia Lines in the Sand Adam, dodici anni, affetto da autismo viene ricoverato perchè in preda a una crisi. Il piccolo...

“Law & Order: Unità speciale” Corsa contro il tempo 82

82 Episode : Corsa contro il tempo Clock Al 911 telefona una bambina di nove anni, Maria, chiedendo aiuto. La chiamata viene passata ad Olivia. Maria...

“Broken Sky”

Mexican short-film specialist Julian Hernandez marks his sophomore feature film with this erotic, impressionistic tale about an emotionally tumultuous love triangle experienced between...

“Hip Hop Harry” When I Grow Up

Megan tries to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up and Harry helps the kids learn about different jobs. Q&A...

“Tracks Ahead” Rail Roaders 54

54 Featured: steam-train "guru" Doyle McCormack and his famous train, the 4449; the Tennessee Valley RR; and a collection of vintage toy trains. Q&A :...

“Bob the Builder: Built to Be Wild”

Bob and pals head to the Wild West, where they take part in hoedowns, showdowns and musical numbers; and bide their time with...

“NCIS” Escaped 42

42 Escaped Gibbs is temporarily reinstated as an agent when a convict (Brandon Barash) whom Gibbs and Fornell put away escapes and becomes a threat...

“Inked” Honor & Respect 218

218 Honor & Respect Honorific tattoos are requested. Included: a father wants to express love for his child; a woman honors a pet that saved...

“House” Lines in the Sand 34

34 Lines in the Sand An autistic boy clutches his chest and screams in pain, but tests can't tell why. And Cuddy won't change House's...