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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Nip/Tuck” Burt Landau 47

47 Burt Landau Liz needs a kidney after collapsing at work, and Dawn Budge (Rosie O'Donnell) returns to McNamara/Troy after being "earjacked" by thieves who...

“Law & Order: Unità speciale” Il confronto 85

85 Episode : Il confronto Confrontation Stabler e Beck sono in disaccordo su come condurre le indagini riguardo alcuni casi di violenza sessuale commessi dalla stessa...

“Una mamma per amica” Una sorpresa per Lorelai 74

74 Episode : Una sorpresa per Lorelai 'S Wonderful, 'S Marvelous Lorelai e Christopher si frequentano assiduamente nonostante le perplessità di lei nel lasciarsi andare ad...

“Nip/Tuck” Burt Landau 47

47 Episode : Burt Landau Burt Landau Dawn Budge chiede nuovamente a Sean e a Christian un intervento di chirurgia ricostruttiva. Liz intanto riceve un inaspettato...

“Galápagos” Islands that Changed the World

Islands that Changed the World When Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands his experiences changed the understanding of life on Earth. Discover how the...

“The Backyardigans” Whodunit? 23

23 Whodunit? Master sleuth Pablo arrives at a Scottish manor house to solve the mystery of Lady Tasha's missing jewels., This episode of The Backyardigans...

“Code LYOKO” Sabotage 39

39 Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Code LYOKO "Sabotage 3 9? A: The main cast includes Thomas Romain,Barbara Scaff,Mirabelle...

“Friday Night Lights” Wind Sprints 13

13 Wind Sprints The town is turning against Coach Taylor, and team morale slumps to an all-time low. Meanwhile, the reality of Street's injury hits...

“The Upside Down Show” Barbershop 12

12 Shane's friends help him get over his fear of getting a haircut. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "The Upside...

“Hard Luck”

Wesley Snipes stars in this twist-filled thriller, which weaves together three converging story lines that center on a former criminal trying to go...