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“Battlestar Galactica” Crocevia (1ª parte) 319

319 Episode : Crocevia (1ª parte) Crossroads, Part 1 A bordo della Galactica inizia il processo che vede Baltar come imputato, ma la sua testimonianza potrebbe...

“Cold Case” Il biglietto dei sogni

A Dollar, A Dream Lilly riapre un caso del 1999, quello di una donna che, rimasta senza casa né denaro, era scomparsa senza lasciare...

“Roma” Nemmeno un Dio può fermare gli affamati

Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus In Egitto come ambasciatore, accanto a Cleopatra, Marco Antonio blocca i rifornimenti di grano verso Roma, provocando la reazione di...

“The L Word” Literary License to Kill 411

411 Literary License to Kill While Bette faces the fact that Jodi may be moving out east, Tasha finds her military career and sexual identity...

“Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!” Slop 16

16 Slop A batch of shrimp washes ashore., A batch of prawns washes ashore., In this episode of the bizarre late-night absurdist comedy series Tim...

“Christopher Titus: The 5th Annual End of the World Tour”

The stand-up comic and former sitcom star performs at the Colony Theatre in Miami. Topics include mad cows, Prince Charles' marriage and reconquering...

“Zoey 101” Chase’s Grandma 310

310 Chase's Grandma Zoey obsesses over getting a birthday present for Chase, and comes up with the perfect idea when she learns his grandmother's birthday...

“Rome” Deus Impetitio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man) 29

29 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus In Egypt with Cleopatra, Antony attempts to use their grain supplies to provoke war with Octavian., Rome is starving, Octavian...

“Grossology” Survival of the Grossest 117

117 Survival of the Grossest Ty gets overzealous when he defends his crown in the school's science competition and inadvertently breeds thousands of terrorizing fruit...

“The Dresden Files” Storm Front 18

18 Storm Front Storm Front: Murphy calls on Harry for help when the Chicago police are left baffled by the gruesome death of a local...