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“The Joy of Mathematics” S:1 E:17 The Joy of Infinite Series

S:1 E:17 The Joy of Infinite Series Starting with the analysis of the proposition 0.999999999 ... = 1, this lecture explores what it means to...

“The Joy of Mathematics” S:1 E:24 The Joy of Mathematical Magic

S:1 E:24 The Joy of Mathematical Magic Closing the course with a magician's flair, Professor Benjamin shows a trick for producing anyone's phone number, how...

“The Joy of Mathematics” S:1 E:22 The Joy of Probability

S:1 E:22 The Joy of Probability Mathematics can draw detailed inferences about random events. This lecture covers major concepts in probability, such as the law...

“The Joy of Mathematics” S:1 E:5 The Joy of Fibonacci Numbers

S:1 E:5 The Joy of Fibonacci Numbers The Fibonacci numbers follow the simple pattern 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc., in which each number...

“The Joy of Mathematics” S:1 E:18 The Joy of Differential Calculus

S:1 E:18 The Joy of Differential Calculus Calculus is the mathematics of change, and answers questions such as: How fast is a function growing? This...

“The Joy of Mathematics” S:1 E:10 The Joy of Proofs

S:1 E:10 The Joy of Proofs Professor Benjamin begins his discussion of mathematical proofs with intuitive cases like "even plus even is even" and "odd...

“The Joy of Mathematics” S:1 E:19 The Joy of Approximating with Calculus

S:1 E:19 The Joy of Approximating with Calculus Exploiting the idea of the derivative, we can approximate just about any function using simple polynomials. This...

“The Joy of Mathematics” S:1 E:8 The Joy of Algebra Made Visual

S:1 E:8 The Joy of Algebra Made Visual Algebra can be used to solve geometrical problems, such as finding where two lines cross. The technique...

“Le sorelle McLeod” Vincere le difficoltà

Climb Every Mountain Kate non si dà pace per la tragica morte di Jodi e tenta di rintracciare il suo assassino. Meg torna per...

“CSI: New York” Incidente di percorso 320

320 Episode : Incidente di percorso What Schemes May Come La squadra investigativa è impegnata nelle indagini di tre diversi delitti e finiscono per scoprire che...