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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“I Cesaroni” Ricominciamo 220

220 Episode : Ricominciamo Ricominciamo Cesare, per incoraggiare il piccolo Mimmo a seguire i corsi di nuoto, millanta di essere un grande nuotatore, ma in piscina...

“Alla ricerca dell’isola di Nim”

Nim è una bambina di undici anni, che vive da sola con il padre su un'isola deserta del Pacifico, da quando ha perso...

“I Cesaroni” Sogno o son Giulio? 219

219 Episode : Sogno o son Giulio? Sogno o son Giulio? Su consiglio del medico, che teme un nuovo trauma, i Cesaroni assecondano lo smemorato Francesco...

“Ghost Whisperer” Le ombre del passato 313

313 Episode : Le ombre del passato Home But Not Alone La nuova ragazza di Ned e la sua famiglia sono vittime di strani fenomeni. Ned...

“CODE: BLACK-Unrated/Extended Director’s cut”

The "War on Drugs" reaches pivotal point as an outdated government plan to prevent social activists from giving rise to a "Black...

“Phir Aaya Deewana”

In love with Keerthi, Vasu proposes her only to be rejected. He soon discovers that she would be marrying his close friend Cheenu. Q&A...


Israeli co-directors Etgar Keret and Shira Geffen's ensemble comedy drama Meduzot (aka Jellyfish, 2007) weaves together multiple seriocomic tales of intersecting lives, set...

“What Not to Wear” Danielle 622

622 Danielle A 26-year-old elementary-school music-teacher-to-be from Austin has lost over 120 lbs., but still dresses in baggy, shapeless clothes., Danielle is a music-teacher-to-be from...

“Canterbury’s Law” Sweet Sixteen 14

14 Sweet Sixteen Elizabeth struggles to overcome some personal setbacks---including an indictment for jury tampering---in time to take control of a high-profile case involving two...

“Comedy Central Presents” Billy Gardell 1223

1223 Billy Gardell Star of 'Mike & Molly', Billy Gardell, offers up a rare chance to see his stand-up act as he expresses his annoyance...