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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“IT Crowd” Non siamo uomini veri? 32

32 Episode : Non siamo uomini veri? Are We Not Men? Moss e Roy escono insieme e vanno al pub. Si trovano circondati da uomini molto...

“Psych” Liberate babbo natale

Christmas Joy Shawn e Gus ricevono da Brittany, una ragazzina, la richiesta di scarcerare Babbo Natale, che dopo essere stato coinvolto in una rissa...

“SpongeBob” Cari vichinghi/ Niente bugie

Dear Vikings; Ditchin' Krab informa Spongebob che c'è una nuova promozione nel suo locale: chi acquisterà una bevanda nel nuovo bicchiere 'formato vichingo' potra'...

“Monk” Il sig. Monk e l’acqua miracolosa 79

79 Episode : Il sig. Monk e l'acqua miracolosa Mr. Monk and the Miracle Willie, un barbone, è stato ucciso e i suoi tre amici barboni,...

“The Elephant Princess” Lean on Me 17

17 Lean on Me Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "The Elephant Princess "Lean on Me 1 7? A: The main...

“SpongeBob SquarePants” Dear Vikings; Ditchin’

Dear Vikings; Ditchin' SpongeBob invites Vikings to the Krusty Krab so that he can learn everything about them., SpongeBob is determined to find out...

“The Game” Oh, What a Night 39

39 Oh, What a Night Tasha starts dating other men because she believes her relationship with Rick Fox has no future; Jason tries to mend...

“Closer to Truth” How Could God Know the Future? 31

31 Theologians debate what God may or may not know about future events. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Closer to...

“Shadow Force” Black Gold 14

14 The team assists park rangers in the Congo in their fight to stop the depletion of a national forest, which is being stripped...

“SpongeBob SquarePants” The Card 625

625 The Card SpongeBob just can't get the new super-rare talking Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy trading card! Patrick gets one straight away - but...