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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“I Cesaroni” Ho sposato Eros 318

318 Episode : Ho sposato Eros Ho sposato Eros Gabriella, la madre di Lucia, tampona Fernando con l'auto: invece di arrabbiarsi, lo psicologo della scuola è...

“Ghost Whisperer” Emozioni mortali 419

419 Episode : Emozioni mortali Thrilled to Death Con l'aiuto di Melinda Eli tenta di aiutare la sua vicina, Morgane, che sembra avere problemi con un...

“Observe and Report”

Ronnie Bamhardt, addetto alla sicurezza nel centro commerciale Forest Ridge, deve vedersela ogni giorno con ragazzini in skateboard e taccheggiatori, in attesa del...

“Hannah Montana: The Movie”

Hannah's hectic lifestyle is wrecking the important relationships in her life. Because she gets into a catfight over shoes with Tyra Banks, she...

“Real Time With Bill Maher” 78

78 Director Ron Howard; author Gore Vidal. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Real Time With Bill Maher " 7 8?...

“DogTown” New Hope 34

34 A shepherd mix that was rescued from a Middle East war zone arrives at DogTown with a case of post-traumatic stress. Also: a...

“NUMB3RS” Animal Rites 519

519 Animal Rites A CalSci professor is tortured and murdered in his lab, where animals are subjected to medical experiments. The investigation reveals that his...

“Say Yes to the Dress” The Dress Ties That Bind 36

36 The Dress Ties That Bind Camille brings along her mother in law, in the hope of improving their relationship. Plus, can consultant Keasha help...

“The Secret Saturdays” Black Monday

Black Monday Trouble at an Aztec ruin leaves Zac in two minds about whether everyone is who they say they are. Q&A : Q: Who...

“Martha Speaks” Martha Smells 169

169 Martha Smells Martha calls Helen for help when she's trapped in Pablum and Weaselgraft's hideout, and explains how Helen can find her by using...