Episode : Il tiranno
The Tyrant
Sebbene non abbia ancora riottenuto l'abilitazione, House torna a presenziare alle diagnosi differenziali. Stavolta il caso da risolvere è...
Episode : Azione fulminante
Bolt Action
Durante una partita di volley sulla spiaggia in un evento di beneficenza, tre dei quattro giocatori muoiono folgorati. L'evento...
Discover the origins of the world's most famous legends and unearth evidence that suggests their mythical figures may have truly lived., The legend...
Tolkien's Monsters
J.R.R. Tolkien's classic fantasy trilogy, "The Lord of the Rings," and the real-life influences on the work are examined., Discover the origins...
Grandma's Treasure Hunt; Ruby's Jigsaw Puzzle; Ruby's Recital
Ruby and Max go on a treasure hunt designed by their grandmother; the bunnies look for...
Unforgettable Paris
Rachel and Brad take in the fashion-week finery of Paris and network with industry giants, including Karl Lagerfeld, John Galliano and Marc...