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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“The Mentalist” Linea rossa 213

213 Episode : Linea rossa Redline Ellie Mars, un astrologo locale, aiuta Patrick Jane a risolvere un triplo omicidio che coinvolge due poliziotti e la fidanzata...

“CSI: Scena del crimine” Combustione interna 1013

1013 Episode : Combustione interna Internal Combustion La squadra di Las Vegas indaga sulla morte di due studenti del liceo coinvolti in gare di velocità illegali. Q&A...

“Community” Espressionismo romantico 115

115 Episode : Espressionismo romantico Romantic Expressionism Jeff e Britta si immischiano nella vita amorosa di Annie, quando quest'ultima comincia a uscire con Vaughn, ex di...

“Fringe” Jacksonville 215

215 Episode : Jacksonville Jacksonville A Manhattan un edificio viene scosso da violenti tremori lasciando un solo superstite in condizioni molto particolare che induce la squadra...

“Grey’s Anatomy” Amore e fiducia 613

613 Episode : Amore e fiducia State of Love and Trust Derek tiene un discorso in qualità di nuovo primario di chirurgia , ma è in...

“MI-5” Split Loyalties 72

72 Revenge Is Best Served Cold Harry instructs the team to investigate a possible Russian link to Adam's death, but orders Lucas to remain on...

“Bones” The Devil in the Details 514

514 The Devil in the Details An investigation of biblical proportions unfolds when Brennan and Booth analyze the unusual remains of a former patient of...

“My Dream Farm” Karon & Simon

Karon & Simon Monty Don meets Karon and Simon, who had great plans to rear rare-breed pigs in Suffolk, as well as building a...

“American Chopper” Stewart-Haas Racing Bike 625

625 Stewart-Haas Racing Bike A NASCAR-inspired chopper is built for the Stewart-Haas racing team. Meanwhile, Mikey heads to California's Death Valley to take part in...

“The Real Housewives of Orange County” Nothing Is as It Seems 511

511 Nothing Is as It Seems Tamra decides to get a tattoo of her hubby's name on her ring finger. Meanwhile, misadventures plague Vicki on...